George P. Hatsatouris is a well-known Australian artist who has been exhibiting in Australia since 1967. George P. Hatsatouris studied art in Sydney, Florence and London and he creates magnificent and inspiring work that captures incredible scenery and people from all around the world.

We sell Giclee reproductions of George P. Hatsatouris' work. Giclee is a modern and innovative printing process that enables quality fine art reproductions to be created on canvas or paper. These reproductions have a fade-free display life of over 100 years or more and they are very hard to distinguish from the original. Each of these fine art reproductions is produced under the guidance and approval of the artist. Giclee reproductions are individually printed and custom made to the size of your choice with some restrictions depending on the image selected.

Each reproduction can be printed on fine grade canvas or fine art paper and comes with a 5 cm border for easy handling and framing behind glass or putting on a stretcher. We display George P. Hatsatouris' works that you can own as a reproduction and some original works if that is what you are interested in. Have a look through the galleries and find an artwork that you love, or you might even find the perfect gift.


The history of George P. Hatsatouris



East Sydney Technical College' - Sydney, Australia

1972 - 73
'Academia di Belle Arti' - Florence, Italy

'Chelsea Art School' - London, England

1974 - 80
'Graeme Inson Art School' - Sydney, Australia
'Julian Ashton Art School' - Sydney, Australia


Strawberry Hill Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1974 - 78
Holdsworth Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Art Exchange, Melbourne, Australia

Barry Stern Galleries, Sydney, Australia

1986 - 89, 93, 94, 97
Eddie Glastra Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Sherton Gallery, Dallas Texas, USA

1991, 92,95
Papoucci Fine Arts Gallery, Sydney, Australia

Christie's, Sydney, Australia

Papoucci Fine Arts at Christie's Gallery, Sydney, Australia